A long time coming...

After many years of supporting friends and clients with websites that tell their story, it occurred to me that Purpose Design LLC deserved a website to showcase those businesses that I have partnered with and loved!  I know...I can't believe it took this long!

Taking the time to work on my own business has not been a priority, as I have consistently worked on project after project that left little time to think about how to grow my own little business.  Thanks to those that have encouraged me along the way.  There have been many, but I would like to take the opportunity now to single out just a few:

Barb Hollkamp, my BFF and mentor...your wisdom and support have always been precious to me. And I never take it for granted.

Donna Bruce, my friend and fellow entrepreneur...thanks for letting me be part of your team (when I most needed a team!)  Forever grateful.

Barb Wing, my friend and cheerleader...you are a gem!  We have been colleagues over and over again...it is always a pleasure and am grateful you are in my life. 

Allan Semmler, last but certainly not least...my fabulous husband...you have supported me through good and bad and always believed I had what it takes.  I love you.

Well, here we go!  Love to hear from friends and colleagues alike if you have any suggestions for this website or how to grow my little business...Purpose Design LLC.  I'm listening!